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Intermittent Fasting Diets (IF Diets) are a way of eating that alternates between periods of fasting and non-fasting. There is evidence that suggests that intermittent fasting may have beneficial effects on the health and longevity of animals, including humans.

Although many practitioners hope to improve their overall health through IF, one frequent side effect of IF Dieting is weight loss.

These beneficial effects seem to be similar to the effects of caloric restriction (CR). There is currently no agreement as to whether these benefits are due to the fasting portion of this type of eating or due to an overall decrease in average calories per day. Recent studies have shown support for the fasting portion of the diet as being responsible for the major health benefits.

Alternate-day calorie restriction may prolong life span. Alternating Day Fasting involves - as the name suggestions - fasting every other day. Scientific study of intermittent fasting in rats (and anecdotally in humans) was carried out at least as early as 1943.

A web search will bring you information on several ways to practice IF Dieting. Some methods involve fasting for two days a week. Some involve three fasting days a week.

The definition of "fasting" can range from water only to up to 500 or 600 calories on "fasting days."

To accommodate IF Diets, NutriBase (version 11.3 and higher) has the ability to let you specify your calorie goal for each day of the week. (Most nutrition software assumes you will have the same calorie goal every day.)

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