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    Installation, Updating, Upgrading, and Related Issues
  1. How do the NB18 Editions Differ?
  2. How to Obtain an Update For Your Existing Installation of NB18
  3. How to Upgrade from a Previous Edition of NutriBase
  4. How to Install NB18 to Your Computer
  5. How to License Your Copy of NutriBase
  6. NutriBase Basics
  7. How to Review the NutriBase Update History
    Backup and Restore Data
  1. How to Backup Your NutriBase Data (Recipes, Food Logs, Client info, etc.)
  2. How to Restore Your NutriBase Data
  3. How to Move NutriBase and Your Data from One Computer to Another
  4. How to Schedule Your Backups
    NutriBase Options
  1. How Do You Access the NutriBase Options?
  2. General Options
  3. How to Set Up Your Emailer
  4. Automatic Backup Reminders
  5. Quick Access Toolbar
  6. File Locations
  7. Resources
    The Home Window
  1. What is Your Home Window For?
  2. How to Set Up Your Home Window Graph
  3. How to View and Print Information Topics
  4. How to Edit or Create New Information Topics
    NutriBase Food Lookups (Searches)
  1. How to Conduct the Various NutriBase Food Searches (an overview)
  2. How to Conduct a Food Name Search
  3. How to Conduct a Brand Name Search
  4. How to View Data by Food Category (Conduct a View Search)
  5. How to Conduct a Nutrient Density View Search
  6. How to Conduct a NutriBase Food ID Search
  7. How to Conduct a Global Ranking Search
  8. How to Conduct an Advanced Food Item Search
  9. How to Conduct a Query (Boolean AND) Search
  10. How to Conduct a UPC Bar Code Search
  11. How to Interpret NutriBase Color-Coded Alerts
  12. How to Conduct a PFI Search
  13. How to Conduct a Recipe Search
  14. How to Conduct a PUF or PUI Search
  15. How to Conduct a Meal Search
    Search Settings and Features
  1. How to Hide or Show Specific Nutrients
  2. How to Resequence Columns (and How to Reset Them)
  3. How to Resize Column Widths
  4. How to View Nutrient Data in a Single Screen View
  5. How to Conduct a Search Within Your Search Results
  6. How to Search Across the Food, Brand, Description, and/or Serving Size Columns
  7. How to Limit Search Results to Specific Food Categories
  8. How to Turn Your Food Subcategories On or Off
  1. How to Create a Profile for a New Client or User
  2. How to Modify a Client’s Goal for Water (or anything other nutrient)
  3. How to use the Client Contact List
  4. How to Use the Intermittent Fasting Client Profile Option (for IF diets)
  5. How to Select the Active Client
    Food Log
  1. How to Add a Personal food Item (PFI) to a Client's Food Log
  2. How to Change a Serving Size for a Food You Add to a Food Log
  3. How to Copy a PFI to a Food Log
  4. How to Delete a Food Item from Your Food Log
  5. How to Add a Food Item to Your Quick Add List
  6. How to Move a Food Log Item to Another Meal
  7. How to Check to See if All Food Items Have Been Assigned to a Meal
  8. How to use Your NBFTE (Next Best Food to Eat)
  9. How Does Your NBFTE Function Work?
  10. How to Auto-Record a List of Foods to a Client's Food Log Each Day
  11. How to Conduct a PUF or PUI Search when Creating a Food Log
  12. How to Add Data to my PFI that is not Already Tracked in NutriBase ("My Fields" option)
  13. What are Your Food Log Right Click Options?
  1. What Can you do in the Exercise Window?
  2. How to Add a new Exercise to NutriBase
  3. How to Record Your Daily Activities and Exercise
  4. How to Create Workouts
    Info Tracker
  1. What Can you do in Info Tracker?
  2. How to Enter Your Body Weight and/or Your Body Fat Content into NutriBase
  3. How to Enter Client Info (Measurements, Body Chemistry, Personal, etc.) into NutriBase
    Personal Foods
  1. What Can You Do in Your Personal Foods Tab?
  2. How to Add a New Food Item ("PFI") to NutriBase
  3. How to Copy a PFI to a Recipe, Food Log, Meal, or Meal Plan
  4. How to Use the PFI Organizer
  5. How to Use the PFI Folder
  6. How to Export or Import PFI's
  7. How to Create a Nutrition Facts Label for a PFI
  1. What Can you do with the NutriBase Recipes Option?
  2. How to Create a NutriBase Recipe
  3. How to Change a Serving Size for a Food You Add to a Recipe
  4. How to Conduct a PUF or PUI Search when Creating a Recipe
  5. How to Conduct a Recipe Search
  6. How to Edit a NutriBase Recipe
  7. How to Create a New Recipe Folder (or Meal, Meal Plan, or PFI Folder)
  8. How to Organize an Existing Recipe Folder (or Meal, Meal Plan, or PFI Folder)
  9. How to Copy a PFI to a Recipe
  10. How to Add a Recipe to Another Recipe
  11. How to Create a New Recipe Based on an Existing Recipe
  12. How to Scale a Recipe to Feed a Different Number of People
  13. How to Add Cost Information to Your Ingredients (Chef and Higher)
  14. How to Create Recipe Servings Sizes Measured In Calories - Make it and Take it
  15. How to Export Recipes For use in Another Copy of NutriBase
  16. How to Import Recipes from Another Copy of NutriBase
  17. How to Export a Recipe to an Excel File (Chef and Higher)
  18. How to Create U.S. Nutrition Facts Labels (Chef and Higher)
  19. Create Canadian Nutrition Facts Tables (Chef and Higher)
  20. How to Edit Ingredients that go Into a Food Label
  21. How to Send Your Recipe Ingredients to Your Shopping List
  22. How to Create a Custom Recipe Web Page (Chef and Higher)
  23. How to Refresh Your Recipes (and Why)
  24. What are the Recipe Criteria?
  25. How to Use the Recipe Organizer
  26. How to Use the Recipe Folder Option
  27. How to Export or Import Recipes
  28. What are Your Recipe Right Click Options?
  1. What is a NutriBase Meal?
  2. How to Use the Meal Organizer button
  3. How to Use the Meal Folder button
  4. What are Meal Criteria?
  5. How to Create a Meal
  6. How to Copy a PFI to a Meal
  7. How to Change a Serving Size for a Food You Add to a Meal
  8. How to Conduct a PUF Search when Creating a Meal
  9. How to Copy a PFI to a Meal (or to a Recipe, Food Log, or Meal Plan)
  10. How to Copy a Meal to a Food Log or to a Meal Plan
  11. How to Send Your Meal Items to Your Shopping List
  12. How to Refresh Your Meals (and Why)
  13. How to Export or Import Meals
  14. What are Your Meal Right Click Options?
  15. How to Create a Nutrition Facts Label for a Meal
    Meal Plans
  1. What is a NutriBase Meal Plan?
  2. What Are the Shortcomings of the Sample NutriBase Meal Plan?
  3. How to Edit an Existing Meal Plan
  4. How to Create a Meal Plan from Scratch
  5. How to Change a Serving Size for a Food You Add to a Meal Plan
  6. How to Conduct a PUF or PUI Search when Creating a Meal Plan
  7. How to Copy a PFI to a Meal Plan
  8. How to Copy a Meal Plan to Another Meal Plan
  9. How to Copy a Meal Plan to a Client’s Food Log
  10. How to Copy a Client's Food Log to a Meal Plan
  11. How to Create and Use Meal Plan Folders
  12. How to Use the Meal Plan Organizer
  13. How to Send Your Meal Plan Items to Your Shopping List
  14. How to Create or Edit Your Meal Plan Criteria
  15. How to Export or Import Meal Plans
  16. What Are the Meal Plan Criteria?
  17. What are Your Meal Plan Right Click Options?
  1. The Reports Tab and the Reports you can Produce
  2. How to Add Custom Headers to Your Reports (Chef and Higher)
  3. How to Add and Edit Your Under/Over Comments (Pro and Higher)
  4. How to Generate and Print or Save a Recipe Report
  5. How to Print a Meal Plan Report with Included Recipes
  6. How to Save a Meal Plan Report as a PDF File
  7. How to Create an NDI Report (Pro and higher)
  8. How to Create an Initial Assessment Report
  9. How to Create a Group Study Report
    NutriBase Data Import and Export Options
  1. How to Export NutriBase PFI’s, Recipes, Meals, or Meal Plans
  2. How to Import Web Profiles
  3. How to Export NutriBase Client Data from a Personal Edition
  4. How to Import NutriBase Client Data from a Personal Edition
    The Web-Based Questionnaire (SE Editions only)
  1. What is a Web-Based Questionnaire?
  2. How to Import Web Profiles
  3. Information in the Web-Based Questionnaire
  1. How to Add a New Food to NutriBase
  2. How to Change a Serving Size for a Food You Add to a Food Log, Recipe, Meal, or Meal Plan
  3. How to Enter Your Body Weight (Or Body Fat) For the Day
  4. How to Modify a User’s Goal for Water (or anything else)
  5. How to use the NutriBase Shopping List
  6. How to Export Your Shopping List to CSV Format (Chef and higher)
  7. How to Graph Your Water Consumed, Heart Rate, Etc Over Time
  8. How to use the Graphs Tab
  9. How to use the Notes & Lists
    Web-Based Data Synchronization Topics (Choose the Topic Appropriate to Your Situation)
  1. An Introduction to Web-Based Synchronization
  2. How to Install NB18 With or Without File Synchronization
  3. How to Update NB18 to a More Current Version of NB18
  4. How to Upgrade NB10, NB11 or NB16 to NB18
  5. How to Install and use NutriBase for a Workgroup
  6. How to use Your Sync Folder with Workgroups
  7. How to use Workgroup Numbers
  8. Workgroup Guidelines and Suggestions
  9. Other Workgroup Suggestions
    Macros For Assessment Reports
  1. About NutriBase Macros
  2. Client-Related Macros
  3. Calorie-Related Macros
  4. General Nutrient Goal Macros
  5. Mineral Nutrient Goal Macros
  6. Vitamin Nutrient Goal Macros
  7. Client's Fat Goal Macros
  8. Client's Amino Acid Goal Macros
  9. Macros For NutriBase Custom Meal Reports
  10. Macros For NutriBase Custom PFI Reports
  11. Macros For Custom Recipe Reports
    Reference and Information
  1. Atwater Conversion Factors
  2. The 4-4-9 Method
  3. The Compensated 4-4-9 Method
  4. Glossary of NutriBase Terms
  5. NutriBase Food Categories
  6. Abbreviations Used in the Nutrient Data
  7. Documentation for USDA Nutrient Data
  8. Documentation for Canadian Nutrient File Data
  9. Why no Installation CD?
  10. Why no Hard Copy User's Manual?
    Disclaimer, License, Support
  1. NutriBase Disclaimer
  2. NutriBase End User License
  3. NutriBase Support
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