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This page provides links to article reprints that may be of interest to professionals who are researching nutrition software. Each article has been reprinted with permission from the original publisher.

Read the Today's Dietitian Article!Nutrition Software: 101 Questions to Ask Before you Buy. This article, reprinted from Today's Dietitian Magazine, provides a list of - you guessed it - 101 answers you should have before investing in a nutrition software package. This is a "must read" for anyone interested in investing in their health, nutrition, or fitness-related business. If you can answer all these questions, you'll have no difficulty deciding which software package will best suit your needs.

How To Monitor and Manage Your Clients Through Their Smartphones. There is a new way to use nutrition and fitness software to grow your nutrition healthcare business. Learn about the NutriBase Pro Edition and what it means for you and for the nutrition healthcare industry. Now, you can look over your clients shoulders 24/7 via their smartphones).

Read the Today's Dietitian Article!Shopping For Nutrition Software. This article, reprinted from Today's Dietitian Magazine, provides an overview of several important considerations regarding any nutrition software product you may be considering for purchase... things that many prospective buyers may never have thought about... things that could strongly affect your ability to serve your clients... things that may have a strong impact on your level of satisfaction. This article suggests the types of features you should look into and offers a strategy for making an informed decision.

Read the Fitness Management Choosing ArticleChoosing Nutrition and Fitness Software. This article, reprinted with permission from Fitness Management Magazine, provides suggestions regarding what fitness professionals and health club owners should look for when selecting a nutrition and fitness software program. Revenue sources are suggested and discussed. A wide variety of reports are identified and services that are now available at reasonable cost - thanks to nutrition and fitness software at reasonable cost - are highlighted. Many of the new software features can improve your bottom line... learn what they are before you lay down your money.

Read the Today's Dietitian Impact Article.How Nutrition Software and the Internet will Impact You. This article, reprinted with permission from Today's Dietitian Magazine, discusses how nutrition and fitness software is changing to meet the needs of health professionals engaged in promoting their efforts on the Web. If you're involved in a health, nutrition, or fitness-related business, many of the trends discussed in this article will affect you.

Thinking about going into business?Marketing Yourself with Nutrition Software. This is a discussion of the topics you'll want to be familiar with if you are considering a private practice in the nutrition and/or fitness industry. Topics include the pros and cons of working for yourself, promotion, reports, services, web sites, sources of business, marketing, habits and attitudes, and the features of nutrition and fitness software packages that will help you market yourself effectively.

500 PDF Articles500 Health and Nutrition Articles - Downloadable PDFs. This is our collection of 500 PDF articles related to health, nutrition, exercise and a variety of diseases, including diabetes. Peruse and read on-line, print, or download. NutriBase will allow you to select these articles and email download links to your clients - from within NutriBase... no need to open your external emailer for this.

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