A NutriBase Meal Plan is a collection of up to three Meals and three snacks for up to four weeks. They generally address a special need of some kind (weight loss, body building, diabetes, etc.)
From the Meal Plan windows, you can:
1) Create a Meal Plan by using your Recipes and Meals as building blocks for each day of your Meal Plan. You can also use food items from the database or food items you have added to NutriBase.
2) You can edit your Meal Plan.
3) You can organize which Meals and snacks your foods are assigned to.
4) Duplicate a food item to use in another Meal if desired.
5) You can add selected Meal Plan items into a new or existing Meal.
6) Add selected food items, days, or all foods in the Meal Plan to your Shopping List.
7) Save the plan, print it out, cost it, add new food items, delete existing food items, or view in-depth nutrient information for your plan.
In NutriBase, you access nearly all software functions via the right click. This approach saves screen space and unclutters the interface... it also makes it easy to quickly view, understand, and implement your options.
The NutriBase “Meal Plans” Tab also provides you with five additional windows that provide you with many additional Meal Plan options. Some of the things you can do here include:
1) Copy any existing Meal Plan to any existing client's Food Log. You select the Meal Plan, the calorie level, the client, the start date, and the number of iterations (repetitions of the four week plan).
2) You can copy a Meal Plan to a new Meal Plan (that you may want to edit and save as a modified Meal Plan for a client with special needs). You can copy the entire plan or copy only selected Meals and snacks. You can copy days or weeks of your plan - NutriBase lets you set up what you want to copy and how.
3) You can copy a client's Food Log into a Meal Plan you are creating. This is helpful if you have a person who is eating well but just needs a critical analysis and modifications to his eating plan.
4) Organize your Meal Plans into Folders of other similar Meal Plans.
5) Modify the nutrition standard that you compare your Meal Plans to (Default values are the Daily Reference Values used for Nutrition Facts Labels.)
The Meal Plans window allows you to organize your Meal Plans, manipulate your Meal Plan Folders, set up your criteria, create or edit your Meal Plans, and handle Meal Plan copy operations: copy from Meal Plan to Meal Plan, copy from Meal Plan to a client's Food Log, or copy a client's Food Log to a NutriBase Meal Plan.
The Meal Plan Organizer lets you organize the contents of a Meal Plan Folder:
This topic updated 06/30/2015 |