How To Edit Or Create New Information Topics
If you are a moderately sophisticated Windows user, you can do far more than view and print the existing 100+ Information Topics that we provided.

In Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8, your NutriBase ProgramData folder is located in c:\ProgramData\nutribase (unless you changed this during Setup to support the use of a Sync Folder. The default ProgramData folder is a “hidden” folder – if you haven’t already done so, you will need to “tell” Windows Explorer (or File Explorer) to let you display hidden folders.

With sufficient computer skills, you can create new major categories of topics (these are actually just Folders you create on your hard drive). You can also create new topics (these are actually just PDF files that you create and save to the topic Folders.

Let’s take a look at an example of some topics you may want to edit or add to. Your “Workout” topic is visible in the left-hand drop-down of your Information window. “Workouts” is the name of a Windows subdirectory (“Folder”) located in c:\ProgramData\nutribase\pdf\Workouts.

Note: This location (c:\ProgramData\nutribase\pdf\Workouts) will be correspondingly different if you selected to install NutriBase using a Sync Folder. Please adjust the location references according to where you told NutriBase your Program Data Folder is.

The topics listed in the right-hand drop-down menu are either PDF files located in this Workout folder or NutriBase Link Files located in this Workout Folder. If you change the name of this Folder, the corresponding menu item’s name will also change. You can change the sequence of major categories by changing the Folder names to shift them into a different alphabetical order.

If you take a look in this Workout folder, you will see several MS Word documents and several PDF files with the same names as the Word docs. We created these Word docs, then saved each one as a PDF file. We saved them as PDF files because NutriBase only recognizes PDF files to display for you in the Information window.

We left the Word docs in the folder in case you wanted to edit them or use them as the starting point for new workout docs to include in your workout listing.

You can:

  1. Edit the name of the Workouts folder to change its sequence in the left-hand menu. (Folder names self alphabetize themselves for you.)
  2. Edit the names of the PDF files in the Workouts folder to change their alphabetical sequence in your menu.
  3. Open an existing Word doc, edit it, and save it under a new name in your Workouts folder to create a new Workouts menu topic. (Be sure to save it as a PDF file if you want it to appear in your menu.)
  4. Create a new workouts doc from scratch. (Save it as a PDF in your Workout folder so NutriBase will see it.)

We described this Workout folder to you to give you a simple example of what you can do with your Information section. Bear in mind that you can create many new major (left-hand) menu categories by adding new Folders (subdirectories) to your NutriBase Program Data Folder. You can store new PDF files in these folders to add new topics that you can access through NutriBase. This may be a convenient way for you to create your own custom library of handouts and educational materials for your clients.

Note: In some versions of NutriBase, you will find NutriBase Link Files along with the PDF files. A link file is a simple text file that contains a single line hyperlink to a PDF file located somewhere on the Web. For example, the Folder c:\ProgramData\nutribase\pdf\Nutrition For Everyone contains a link file called “Fish”. It contains this text: “ for Everyone/Fish Facts.pdf”. This line is a hyperlink to the Fish Facts PDF file which resides for you on the NutriBase Web Site.

This topic updated 06/24/2015

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