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This web site allows you to download free updates any time day or night for the version of NutriBase that you purchased.

At CyberSoft, we do not charge "annual subscription fees."

Our policy toward updates and upgrades is simple: Updates are free for the version you purchase; upgrades to major new releases are available at discount.

If we release a new version within 60 days of your purchase, we will provide you a free download of the new product at no charge to you. Free phone support (Monday - Friday, 8-3, Arizona time).

Updates are free versions that fix bugs, improves performance, enhances usability, updates data, or adds new features to an existing version. You are eligible for all the updates we release for the version you purchase. The higher the version number, the newer the update. There is no need to install each update in sequence. (Version 16.6 will update any earlier version of NB16.)

Upgrades are major new release of NutriBase. When we release a major new release, we change the first number in the NutriBase version number. The higher the base number, the newer the version.

To qualify for an upgrade to NutriBase 2020 - "NB20" at a discount - you must be registered user of NutriBase 16 or newer.

We provide product support for the past four verisions of NutriBase: NB19, NB18, NB17, and NB16.

Upgrades are available to qualified buyers at a discount. To upgrade, use our Secure Upgrade Order Form.

The NutriBase Pro Edition End User License governs the usage provisions for the NutriBase Pro Edition software.

Copyright 1986 - 2020 by CyberSoft, Inc., an Arizona Corporation. All rights reserved.