How to Create a Tracker Meal From Logged Foods
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Tracker Meals are collections of food items that you eat as a Meal or as a Snack.

The purpose of a Meal is to save a set of foods together so you don't have to look up each item every time you eat this set of foods.

A Tracker Meal can also save your medicine (i.e., insulin dosage) for you if desired.

Tracker Recipes serve a similar function. Recipes are similar to Meals except that you can tell Tracker the number of servings that you ate of any Recipe. (A Meal is always assumed to be one serving.) Recipes can also save your Med information for you if desired.

An example of a Meal could be: Ed's Normal Breakfast - 2 large eggs, 2 slices toasted whole wheat bread, 2 tsps butter, 2 slices bacon, 1 cup orange juice, and 1 cup of coffee with creamer. Each time you eat this daily meal, you only have to log the Meal rather than it's constituent foods.

Another advantage of creating a Meal is that you can save the medication(s) you take with this meal. This is very handy for diabetics. Diabetics can take a blood glucose reading two hours after they eat a particular meal and adjust their medications for that meal so that their BG level will be at a better level the next time they eat this Meal (and the meds indicated). Over time, you can "dial in" the value for you meds. You can then create a library of "safe" Meals that you can eat without having to do the initial estimates for your insulin dosage.

You can also store your medicine information with Tracker Recipes.

There are two ways to create Meals with your Tracker App.

One way (and possibly the fastest way) is to take the foods you have already logged as a Meal or Snack and add them into a new Meal. (The other way to create a Meal is to create it from scratch.

This can save you time every time you use this Meal in the future by making it unnecessary to look up every food in the Meal every time you need to log that combination of foods.

Here is how you create a Meal from foods you've already logged today.

This example assumes you have already recorded the foods you ate for a meal or snack. (You can view your logged foods by tapping your LOG Tab.)

When you are in the HOME or LOG window, there will be an Add Button (+) in the upper right corner of you window:

Tap the Add (+) icon. When you tap this icon, you’ll see a window with this header:

The Search Tab is your window for looking up nutrient data for foods and calorie data for exercises.

The Info Tab is the window you use to enter your Body Weight or to enter your diabetic information:

Tap the MORE Tab. Here are your MORE options:

Tap the MORE Tab to:

1) Adjust the time you ate a particular meal or snack or...

2) Combine any food items you recorded into your Log as a “Meal.”

Change Meal of Snack Times - Tap this option to make a change from your default values. Your meals and snacks are normally stored as haven been eaten at the default times stored in the SETTINGS section of Tracker. You could use this option if you, for example, ate a late lunch today.

Add Logged Foods to a New Meal - With this option, you are able to take the foods you've logged this day and save them as a Meal.

You give this new Meal a name. Then you select which logged meal or snack's foods you want to add to this new Meal. Then you save this Meal. It will appear alphabetically in your Meal list. (You can view your list of Meals when you go to log a Meal by tapping the Add (+) icon, tapping the Search Tab, then selecting the Meal option.)

The next time you eat this combination of foods, you save the time it would take to look up all the foods in your Meal again.

After you log this Meal, you can still edit this Meal by editing, deleting, or adding foods.

If you are diabetic, you can add the insulin that you take when you eat the Meal.

Creating and using Meals can be a huge time saver. Save any Meal you create and save time every time you reuse it.

This topic updated 12/04/15

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