NutriBase Tracker-Related Definitions
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Before reading this document, we recommend you become familiar with these definitions (as they are used in the NutriBase Tracker App):

Activation Code - This is a code you (the client) will obtain by email from your dietitian your coach). This Activation Code will activate your Tracker App for you on a single device.

BG - Blood Glucose. If you are diabetic, you already know what this is. Diabetics frequently check their blood glucose levels. The NutriBase Tracker App will help you keep your BG readings recorded and organized by date and time. Tracker also helps you track how much medication you take prior to eating a Meal. (See "Meal with Meds.")

Client - This is the person who uses of the Tracker App. Clients normally work with a "coach." A coach is often a dietitian or other qualified nutrition healthcare professional. Coaches frequently communicate with their clients via the Tracker App’s text messaging function.

Coach - The "coach" is a registered dietitian (RD) or other nutrition healthcare professional that is supervising the client’s goals and progress. Coaches also assist diabetics in reaching their weight goals and managing their meals and medications. (See "Meal with Meds.")

Custom Exercise - This is a new exercise that you have manually added to your exercise list. (You would do this because this activity was not on the list of 80+ exercises provided in Tracker.) To add a custom exercise, you need to know (or be able to estimate) its “burn rate” - the number of calories you burn in performing it for a specific period of time (normally 30 minutes). Tracker has over 80 exercises and activities ready for you to use. Tracker burn rates are based on your body weight.

Custom Food - This is a food item you have created from scratch and saved in Tracker. Custom foods are created using the EDIT Tab of Tracker. Once created, you can use Custom Foods in present and future Logs. They will be automatically sorted for you in alphabetical order.

Database Food - These are all the food items in the Tracker's nutrient database - except for Restaurant foods. Database foods include groceries, produce, and brand name foods. Foods from 20,000+ unique brand names are available to you.

DCA - This is your Daily Calorie Allotment - the number of calories that Tracker deems you should limit yourself to so you can reach your body weight goal in the time you have allotted yourself. You can adjust your DCA in the SETTINGS Tab of Tracker if you feel you have been too optimistic (or not aggressive enough) with your weight change goal.

EDIT - This is one of your main Tabs in your Tracker App. This section allows you to create or edit Custom Foods, Custom Exercise, Meals, and Recipes.

Exercise - An Exercise is an activity that you can record in your Log (along with your foods). The calories in your Exercise are added to your DCA. This means that when you exercise, your DCA increases and you are able to eat more food that day. Clients will exercise to add calories to their DCA so they can end their day without exceeding their DCA. (this is something for you to remember for when you overeat a little.)

LOG - LOG is one of your main Tabs. Your Log is a list of the food items and exercise are stored. When you Log your foods or exercises, you are recording them into your Tracker’s LOG Tab. The Tracker's LOG window stores and displays your recorded information for you.

Log-On - This is the process of answering a few questions the first time you use Tracker. This log-on process provides data that Tracker uses to estimate your DCA.

Meal - Big time saver. A Meal is a combination of the food items in your Meal. You can save a Meal and reuse it in future Logs. When you log a Meal, you will see a list of the items in your Meal. If desired, you can edit individual items in your Meal or delete items that you aren't eating this time. When you create a Meal, make sure you create it as a single serving. One way to create a Meal is to use the Edit section of your Tracker App.

Meal with Meds - If you are diabetic and you take medications with your Meals, you can record your meds with your Meals. you can record the type, brand, and amount of medications you take with your Meal. Two hours later, Tracker can remind you to check your BG levels. If the results are good, the medication you recorded with this Meal may be optimal for this particular set of foods. If the results are not what you were looking for, you can edit the meds you took to make the amount more appropriate for the desired result the next time you eat it. The idea is that the next time you eat this meal, your two hour BG Level will be at an improved level. Over time, this process can help you "dial in" your Meals to be optimal for your condition, your body and your metabolism. Over time, you can use these meals to build a Library of Meals with Meds optimized for your personal use.

My Foods - Big time saver. These are foods that you have used in previous (or current) Logs. “My Foods” are limited to Database foods and Restaurant foods. By selecting My Foods, you save a lot of time by selecting the foods you've eaten before (instead of looking them up again.)

Quick Add Food - This is a food item that you create “on-the-spot” by giving it a name and specifying the calories and the meal or snack you want to save it to. A Quick Add Food does not remain in Tracker for future use. Sometimes you will estimate the calories consumed if it isn’t in the database and you don’t have the data available to you. (You can enter a value for calories and edit it later if you locate a better value.)

Recipe - A Recipe is a group of ingredients (and their amounts) that you assemble into a list. Once created, you can reuse your Recipes in future Logs. Recipes are recorded in your LOG as a single item (as opposed to a list of ingredients as is the case with Meals). After you create a Recipe, you can specify the number of servings you want your Recipe to represent.

Restaurant Food - These are restaurant menu items and their associated nutrient data. Tracker gives you access to over 100,000 restaurant items from over 600 restaurants.

Status Bar - The Status Bar is the colored bar located at the top of the NutriBase Tacker just below your main Tabs. The color of this bar indicates the status of your Logged Calories for the day. It helps you stay under your DCA.

Tabs - The NutriBase Tracker displays a row of Tabs. Tapping these Tabs take you to the windows indicated. Each window provides you with a different set of functions. These are the Tabs you will see in NutriBase Tracker:

Tracker Activation - This is the first thing you do after you start Tracker the first time. You start the app, then you provide your cell phone number, your email address, and your Activation Code. You will need to have your Tracker Activation Code before you log-on to Tracker.

UPC Barcode - If you have a packaged food item and you want to acquire the nutrient information for it, use the UPC Barcode function in your Tracker App. Tracker gives you access to the nutrient data for over 300,000 packages food items.

This topic updated 12/04/15

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